Standards for the Internet

HTML Specifications

Getting started with HTML

More Advanced features

Adding a touch of style

The official HTML 4.01 Specification

Cascading Style Sheets level2 Specificarion

The XHTML 1.0 Specification

Technical Recommendations at

XML Documentation

The XML Industry Portal

The XML 1.0 Specification

XML in 10 points

Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL)

XML Presentation Slide Show

XSL Introduction

Zvon XSL Tutorial

XSL Transformations

XSLT Examples

Scalable Vector Graphics Examples

SVG Pinball demo

SVG snake game

XML Software

XML Validation and Transformation service

The XML library for Gnome

The Apache XML project

Xalan-C++: XSLT Processor

The XML Software site

IBM's XML for C++

Oracle's XML parser for C++

Graphical Editor for XML


The Core Javascript guide

The Core Javascript reference

Javascript scripting resources

Javascript slides


The Java tutorial

The Java Language specification

Java API Specification

The JavaDoc homepage

The Source for Java Technology

The Java Boutique

Java programming and tutorial resource


The PHP homepage

Web services

SOAP presentation slide show

Serving SOAP through XSLT scripts, paper and slide show

X Methods

SOAP Scripts in Mozilla

Javascript SOAP example

What is webservices

PHP classes for webservices

XML Protocol Working Group

Web resources


HTML Goodies

Dynamic HTML lab


netscape's technical documentation index